Is Whole Life Insurance a Good Investment? Should You invest

Nov 25, 2023 By Triston Martin

A good financial plan may include buying an insurance policy. If something bad happens to you, your life insurance will give your loved ones a death benefit that they can use to pay for your funeral, pay off your debts, or cover your everyday living costs. If you are looking for life insurance, one way to get it is through whole life insurance. This policy covers you for the rest of your life and builds cash value. The cash value grows at a set rate, so you know how much it will grow over time. But is whole life insurance a good investment?

How Does Whole Life Insurance Work?

Whole life insurance is insurance that lasts for the rest of your life. As long as the premiums are paid, the policy won't end. When you die, the policy pays a death benefit to the person you named as the beneficiary. The cost of premiums for whole life insurance doesn't change over time. Part of each payment goes into an account called "cash value," which earns interest.

How Investing In Whole Life Insurance Works

Whole life insurance is such a policy that covers you for the rest of your life and a savings account simultaneously. The insurance company invests a portion of your premium payment in building up the cash value of your policy. Your insurance company guarantees that this account will grow at a set rate over time. The cash value increases, and you don't have to pay taxes. This means that as long as the money stays in the account, you don't have to pay taxes on the interest you earn.

When your policy's cash value is high enough, you can start taking out loans against it. You don't have to pay back these loans because it's your money, but if you still owe money on them when you die, your insurance company will take it out of the payout.

Is Buying Whole Life Insurance A Good Idea?

Why whole life insurance is a good investment? Let us see here. Whole life insurance isn't usually a good way to "invest." Most investments have a good balance of risk and payoff. Whole life insurance is better thought of as a way to spread out cash flows smartly that helps you save on taxes. In the first few years of the policy, most of the premiums you pay go toward the death benefit. In contrast, some of the money goes toward administrative costs. The rest goes to your cash value account.

As time passes, more of your payment goes into the cash value account. The money in this account will grow at a certain rate, which is a promise. Most life insurance companies put their money into government-backed bonds and home loans. Most companies that sell whole life insurance are mutual insurance companies that pay dividends that you can add to your cash value account regularly. The longer you pay into the policy, the more cash value you can build up over time.

When Should You Get Whole Life Insurance?

When is whole life insurance a good investment? when these things happen.

You've Spent Your Retirement Savings

Suppose you have a lot of money and have already saved as much as possible in tax-advantaged accounts like 401(k) plans or individual retirement accounts. In that case, you could use a whole life insurance policy to add to your tax-deferred savings.

You Would Like To Help Your Loved Ones Pay Their Estate Taxes

Does your estate worth at least $12,06,000,000? That is the federal tax exemption limit for 2022. If you die with assets worth more than that amount, the IRS might charge an estate tax. Some states also have their taxes on estates or inheritances.

You Have A Dependent For Life

Having life insurance can give peace of mind to people who depend on them financially. If you take care of a disabled child, you might want a whole life insurance policy, which covers you for the rest of your life. It will pay out no matter when you die, so your family won't have to worry about money.

What Are The Benefits And Drawbacks Of Buying Whole Life Insurance?

Whole life insurance is sometimes good and sometimes bad. Here are the best and worst things about it.


  • With whole life insurance, the cash value builds up and isn't taxed.
  • Insurance premiums can be paid for with cash value.
  • Suppose you don't have any other money. In that case, it can be helpful to take a withdrawal or borrow against the cash value of an insurance policy.


  • It can take a few years of paying premiums before the cash value adds up to a significant amount.
  • You might not get as much money back from a whole-life policy as you would from other investments.
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