Best Tips to Settle a Car Accident Claim Successfully

Nov 23, 2023 By Triston Martin

The first thing that’s constantly drummed to people is that they should calm down after a car accident. The reason why calmness and clarity of mind are required at this time, despite the apparent circumstances, is simple: to ease the settlement of the car accident claim.

Filing the claim will begin at the scene. After you have made sure everyone involved in the car crash is safe, you will need to drive your car off the road if you can. Some phones now come with an always-on car crash detector that automatically calls 911 if you don’t respond.

While being involved in a car accident is a frightening experience, you need to have these tips in advance to ensure your claim is successful:

Exchange information with the other driver

You will need the other driver’s contact number, the exact make and model of the car, and most importantly, the name of the driver and their insurance information. Also, get the other car’s license plate number.

The purpose of exchanging information with the other driver involved in the accident is to enable law enforcement to determine who was at fault accurately. It is not your responsibility to place blame, so do not accuse the other driver of culpability.

It is critical to remember that the other driver’s insurance agent and company are not your friends, so avoid getting overly comfortable with them.

Take photos of the scene

Pictures tell a thousand words. Insurance companies need as much information about the accident as possible. The more information you provide, the more chances you have to prove your case adequately.

Without changing anything at the scene, take a picture of the position of the cars involved in the crash. Take as many pictures as possible from all directions. A suitable alternative for this, although not as feasible as actual photos, is drawing a diagram of how you remember the cars’ position at the accident.

Include all damages incurred

You will probably suffer injuries after the accident, and it is vital to document any money you will spend caring for yourself. You should be reimbursed for every medical bill you incur that is related to the car accident, even if it involves recurring sessions.

Any emotional suffering associated with the accident should be included in these damages. You may need to make routine visits to a therapist, so including these costs is imperative. Your health insurance can help you with some of these costs.

Other damages that should be sufficiently paid for include:

  • Out-of-pocket expenses such as taking a cab to the hospital. These expenses should be directly linked to the car accident.
  • Personal property damage. There may be damage caused to valuable items that were inside the car at the time of the accident, such as mobile phones or laptops that may be damaged during the accident.

The aim of assessing all these damages is to ensure the settlement is made in total and sufficiently.

File your insurance claim

We provide a checklist that you should consider before filing your claim:

  • Were you at fault? Or was the other driver at fault?
  • How much was the other vehicle affected? Was it severe or minor?
  • What insurance cover do you have, and what insurance cover does the other driver have?

As a rule, inform your insurance company about the accident as soon as possible. They may deny obligation if the claim is made too late. The insurance company will assign an adjuster to your case, assessing how much you will be paid for the claim.

You will need to gather all necessary documents before filing your claim. You will need a duly signed claim form, copies of your insurance policy, driving license, and your car’s registration certificate, medical bills and invoices, First Information Receipt (FIR), and any other information that is deemed relevant.

Here’s what to do not to jeopardize your claim:

  • Don’t admit guilt to the other driver.
  • Don’t be overly friendly with the adjuster. Be succinct and tactical.

The good news is that insurance companies usually settle most claims. Instead of going to court and incurring massive legal costs, insurance companies know that it is better to pay the policyholder the fair value of their claim.

If the money you receive is insufficient and does not adequately cover all the costs incurred, you can now use the information you have to show why you need more reimbursement. You may show invoices from your chiropractor or pictures of your broken laptop in the car at the scene of the accident.

Review the settlement offer

Once the adjuster has assessed the total damage and advised the insurance company on how much you should be paid, assess the settlement offer you will receive from the insurance company. Immediately you sign, you will officially close your claim. Take your time (not too much, though) to read through the offer.

You can always dispute the claim if you feel that the adjuster did not adequately factor in all the damages. In this case, the insurance company may send a second adjuster, or you could opt to hire a private one. Be sure the reimbursement you receive will be enough and fair.

Apply for accident forgiveness

After a car accident, you may face higher premiums. Accident forgiveness may mean that the insurance company may not require you to pay higher premiums after the car crash. This feature applies to only one accident; after this, any further accident will mean more premiums.

Accident forgiveness is ideal for drivers with a clean record. This is the main requirement; the insurance company should be sure that you are risk-averse, so to speak. After the accident, you can reapply for accident forgiveness after proving a clean driving record.

Settling a claim successfully may be done either single-handedly or by a lawyer. We hope the tips we have shared will help you make your next claim a success, whichever way you prefer.

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