Putting Together a Robust Domain Portfolio

Feb 19, 2024 By Susan Kelly

Putting out a domain portfolio that is of high caliber may be a task that takes weeks, months, or even years. In many cases, the secret is to speculate on which domain names will become famous in the not-too-distant future and hedge your bets by acquiring many domain names. Some people buy a few domains with a high profile and then hold on to them, hoping their value will increase.

Generic Names

It might be a wise investment to purchase words that adequately describe a product or service, particularly ones that are novel or cutting edge. However, it is of the utmost importance to steer clear of any copyright or trademark concerns that might lead to the loss of the domain.

Geographic Names

For web developers wishing to create community portals or other enterprises based on a particular community, names of cities or nations, particularly those under development, may be excellent long-term investments.

Business Names

When paired with regional names, generic company names like "dentist" or "chiropractor" might make excellent investments.

Timely Names

When paired with events that year, timely names may be wonderful investments. One example of this would be 2022OlympicPlayers.com.

Buying and Selling Domain Names

Buying and selling domain names may be done in various ways. There are a lot of basic domain registrars, including GoDaddy.com, that will help facilitate transactions via auctions. In the meanwhile, there are specialist websites like Sedo that are created only to buy and sell domain names. In conclusion, parking domains under the guise of a "for sale" page are excellent for attracting focused attention from prospective purchasers.

Establish Cost

If a domain seller has a large portfolio of domains and is not in a hurry to sell them, the best strategy is to set a precise price for each of those names.


Auctions often result in the highest price that can be achieved for a given item, making them an ideal venue for selling high-profile domain names when there is a lot of demand.

Make a Deal With It

Make a deal with me. Domains belonging to certain niches that aren't likely to attract much attention and for which the actual worth isn't widely understood are ideal candidates for sales.

The Dangers Involved in Purchasing Domains

Before purchasing or selling a domain name, prospective investors need to give serious consideration to the various risks that are involved. Liquidity, subjectivity, and legality are the three biggest hazards, although there are many more, ranging from deceptive evaluations to incorrect escrow payments. The three biggest risks are liquidity, subjectivity, and legality. Prospective purchasers need to consider these dangers seriously before investing in domain names.


Most stocks and bonds can be purchased and sold easily via a broker; however, selling domain names may be a far more challenging endeavor. When trying to find the proper buyer, offering a sale for many months or even years is frequently necessary. As a result, investors need to have the capacity to stomach a loss and a long time horizon to be successful.


The discounted valuation of future cash flows may be used to value stocks, while coupon payouts and interest rates can be used to value bonds. Domain names are valued in a manner that is far more intuitive and is notoriously difficult to nail down. Furthermore, so-called domain appraisers are notorious for providing very high appraisals, which might be difficult to achieve in practice.


From a legal point of view, dealing with domain names may be a tricky affair. If you choose domain names that are too similar to existing trademarks, you risk being sued and having the court compel you to give up the domain name at no cost. In other instances, stolen domain names might be sold before the buyer can figure out that they are not the owner of the domain name.


Domain names, like any other kind of investment, come with their own unique set of potential downsides. However, for investors who are careful and take the potential risks and rewards of an investment seriously, domain names have the potential to become a lucrative investment that provides a one-of-a-kind opportunity to diversify an investor's existing portfolio.

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